Bomber's Moon: Girl's Beneath the Bombs is a documentary made for Rocky Mountain PBS in 2009. The three year project featured the women who lived under and survived the bombings in Germany, Japan, Austria and England. It also heard from the United States Air Force men who dropped the bombs. The directors and producer, Richard Randall, Josh Keffer, Michele Strilich and Patty Butler Spiers never anticipated the incredible impact the stories would have on those who watched the show as well as those who made it. After it aired on PBS, there was a premier of the movie which brought all the women and the men into the same theater together. A bond was created that keeps getting stronger and more powerful the more we know one another. It has been an absolute joy for all of us involved!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Barbara Saks from England
Barbara saw Bomber's Moon: Girls Beneath the Bombs on Rocky Mountain PBS in 2009 and contacted the directors with her amazing story. She has been part of our Bomber's Moon and From Mists of Time (our non profit organization dedicated to recording story-telling) family and the wittiest lady any of us have ever met. With Barbara there is always "that's another tale" to tell. And we marvel at her 92 years young wisdom. Barbara was with the Royal Air Force at Bletchley Park and "plotted" the aircraft, --- laid down coloured arrows on the huge Sector Table Map to plot the track of the planes for the Controller on the Upper Deck to follow. She was with the RAF fighters, Spitfires and Hurricanes, and it was they, the Few, who stopped the invasion of Britain on her 23rd birthday, Sunday 15th September 1940, Battle of Britain Day.
Hugh "Mac" McGinty, Star of Bomber's Moon: Girl's Beneath the Bombs
Here is our friend, Mac McGinty of Boulder, at Silke's house in January. He was a top turret gunner in a B-17, flying over Germany in WWII. Afterwards he was part of the Berlin Airlift, dropping food on the east side of the Berlin wall. He has great stories of how he and the other American Air Force men gave candy and gum to the children in England whose father's were away from them at Christmas.
Interviewing Irmgard Hunt: SHE SAT IN HITLER'S LAP!
Last month our dear friend and star in Bomber's Moon, Mac McGinty brought his new friend, Irmgard Hunt to Colorado Springs. The gathering was hosted by Norm and Silke Sauppe. The interview conducted by Michele Strilich and Patty Butler Spiers was made possible through the set up of backdrops, lights, cameras by Richard Randall and Michele Strilich. We will post exerpts of the interview in the next week.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Welcome to the Bomber's Moon Blog!
Welcome to the Bomber's Moon Blog! This is a place for the friends of Bomber's Moon to stay connected with all the happenings amongst this great group of friends. Stay tuned for photos of recent events including the Bomber's Moon screening at Manitou Middle School!
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